Thursday, February 15, 2007

Top 10 Puppets

It is time for everyone to cut the strings that bind them to their pride in their ideals and admit when you are wrong or have said something false. If you make the list it is not a good thing. It means that you are a cheerleader for a certain idea rather than an intellectual thought that is clear. I will admit that sometimes I might fall under that category of cheerleader or person for a certain ideal, but the very fact that I have come to terms with this and I can admit that it happens leads me to believe that I am exempt. The people that I am talking about are people that make a living or get unwarranted recognition from their stupidity and/or their ignorance.

10. Drivers

Everyone that drives in this country at one time or another will make a mistake whether they know it or not. The funny thing about people that drive is that they are some how attached to the idea that everything that they do good or bad is justifiable, but if someone does it to them they are the worst driver in the world. I fall under this category sometimes. How many times have you heard people say “nobody knows how to drive”. So in this case people are puppets to some strange thought process that they are the best drivers, when the truth is they are not.

9. Talk Radio Hosts

Talk radio is a great thing and it is a good place for the right to counter punch the left leaning media. But there is a problem in talk radio that needs to be explored. It is important that this is mentioned. Talk radio is entertainment, in other words it is news related items that entertain a certain position on any one subject, it is in no way shape or form journalism, it is one huge editorial. The problem starts when you get to people that tied down to their political party. Most of the time these people cater to republican ideals only. So in other words if a republican said that jumping off a bridge was the right thing to do they would support that opinion. I think that that is a very bad and dangerous road to go down, because you are only digging yourself a hole that you will eventually fall in. It is crucial to point out that there are Democrats (notice I am not using the term left or liberal because this specially refers to people agreeing with a party’s side) that do this too but there are more republicans.

8. The Music Industry

This industry is one that consists of many left leaning people even communists at some points in history. The sad thing is coming from a person like me who loves music from all people, the left puts out some of the best music. CCR, Springsteen, Young and many more. I am hesitant to put Bob Dylan in that list (see next item). The music industry like the news industry caters to the far left for a reason that is unknown. Probably because music is artistic and a lot of artistic thinkers tend to sway left but that is slightly erroneous and a blanket answer that generalizes to much. In the case of the music industry the artists are puppets to their own ideology that in a lot of cases most people do not want to hear anyway. Given the exact perfect timing and the exact perfect wording sometimes it may work, but not very often. For the very reason that I am against my blanket statement, it is the same reason that I am against what comes out of musicians, which is usually one-dimensional thoughts about war and peace that have no artistic value and are nothing more than people trying to force an idea down your throat.

7. Bob Dylan

This is the one time that I was talking about in the last item, he wrote and made his music at the exact perfect time. Bob Dylan is used and abused by so many people that it is ridiculous. In fact I am probably doing it here. There are websites out there that are only about Dylan stuff and for some odd reason they feel the need to post topics on these sites and in articles about artists that come from the left. It is not uncommon to see the Dixie Chicks and Bob Dylan in the same article or website. Just because the Dixie Chicks don’t like the President they are suddenly right up there with Dylan. For anyone that likes him that is Dylan blasphemy. Through out his career people have been trying to push him into corners claiming that he is something that he is not and time and time again he refutes them but they keep on coming like hungry rats. It really makes me sick and that is why I try not to make him out to be anything other than himself. When you go to read articles about the man the writers for some odd reason think they need to place words in some poetic or artistic form like they are trying to emulate his writing. This is sad because people have chained him down and tied the strings on to his arms and legs and he keeps cutting them off but he is not fast enough. He is a huge puppet that people use. They use him to talk about things pertaining to the right and the left. And that it is quite sad. Quoting him and using him as an example for something is fine but when you start grouping him with people that he doesn’t group himself with leave it alone.

6. Americas “World News”

World news in and of itself is a strange dichotomy because in news media there is a target audience and usually that target market is the country that you are broadcasting from, but for some reason it doesn’t work that way in America. For some odd reason in an attempt to get attention or ratings (which has proven itself useless) the news networks in America consistently provide news that denigrates the country. I have said it before and I will say it again, it comes from the Cronkite syndrome, a strange way of trying to appeal to people the same way Cronkite did during the Vietnam War. In this case the news companies are puppets to a strange marketing technique that try’s to appeal to the left and provides shock value, which doesn‘t surprise me because a liberal thought process (liberal is used literally) will almost all of the time give you some added shock value.

5. Movie and Television Industry

The emergence of a strange new movie and television industry that caters to the left, feminization and societal degradation is fairly sad. It constantly denigrates men, the family, decent human values and heroics. It is not even that they are pushing anti-hero’s it is down right dummying down of all of the aforementioned. Saying feminization is not a hit on women either, it is a hit on the writers that make men have no place in a family setting other than occupying a place on a script as a comedic whipping post. There are no more Cliff Huxtable’s, Alan Seaver’s, Rocky Balboa’s or John Wayne’s there are men that are clueless and sometimes even women that have no idea what is going on in their own lives and families. And people wonder why the role model is dead. There are some movies and shows out there that are good like “24” and the new “Rocky Balboa” but overwhelmingly they are not good and nothing new ever comes out of these people. They are puppets to societal pressure.

4. Religious Groups

I am referring to strange groups that claim to be Christian groups when they are nothing of the sort, they are “religious” and they do certain customs that are not lined out in the Bible at all. These are religions that are on the verge of being cults. I need not mention them we all know who they are. What I will do is coming from a Christian perspective I will tell you what they are not. They do not kill people they don’t agree with. They do not believe in any certain dress codes or weird things that you have to DO in order to get to heaven. They will not force you to DO anything and they will not insert their own worldly ideals into their teachings. These people are puppets to ideas that come out of thin air. There is a big difference between religion and faith in God. Religion seeks out to force you to do things to get somewhere, but faith says that (if you have any) doing what needs to be done will come naturally.

3. Educators

Educators are some of the worst people to talk to about governmental affairs. They will always say that education is the only way a person can get anywhere in life and that is totally and unequivocally false. In this day and age college is nothing more than a hot bed for sex and drunkenness and a place where teachers use their classrooms as pulpits instilling people with ideals and that is not conducive to a healthy learning experience. They are puppets to the idea that knowledge is the same as wisdom, and that with education you are unstoppable when that is totally false.

2. Government

The government is something that has to be restricted by its people. The government in America is slowly gaining power that it should not have. For example judges are making decisions for the people and that is not the foundation of freedom that America was based upon. The people know what is best for the people. The only thing the government should be a puppet to is the people, but they are puppets to power.

1. You and Me

We are all puppets to our own thoughts and ideas. I am a puppet to me and you are a puppet to you and that is the irony of it all, no one person can ever come from a totally unbiased position. They will always be dangling their ideas and conclusions in front of your face like a puppet. We are all puppeteers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your posts, keep up the good work!